Thursday, February 5, 2015

DB 3 Mod 4 EDU 638 Nykamp

Option 2 Sheninger and Constructivism

Option 2
Describe the relationship between constructivism and the Breaking Ranks Framework. Think about your school. As a leader in educational technology for your district, what recommendations would you make to school leaders based on the core areas of Breaking Ranks? Provide a rationale for each suggested change.

Blaydes quotes Albert Einstein saying this, "It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge." To me this is the root of Social Constructivism in educational theory and practice as well as Sheninger’s Breaking Ranks Framework. Students have been lulled to sleep in classes and with the advent of so many new ways to teach the material other than lecture it is time to awaken the joy of learning with our students again. Within the constructivist approach I believe that this possible.
Sheninger talks about the Breaking ranks framework as a way to lead school districts into this new digital age responsibly and efficiently. He says there are three main categories: CL (Collaborative Leadership), PER (Personalizing your school environment), and CIA (Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment) which is aimed to improve student performance. This ties them both together because one of the most important tenants of constructivism is the student taking responsibility of their learning, and the teacher becoming more of a facilitator (Deulen, 2013). The foundational concepts that Sheninger mentions are: leadership, professional development, culture, organization, curriculum, instruction, assessment, relationships, and equity. Out of these, I would recommend changing the culture of the school first. In an article I read Allen points out that in 2005 the UK started looking at ways to integrate talking or discussion as a constructivist approach to the online learning model. That this was a culture change for the school since it was usually always lecture based before. I also would recommend making sure leadership is savvy and that there is plenty of professional development opportunities for the students as well. In my opinion, you need to have buy in from your teachers and staff. They need to be fired up about this change to insure that the curriculum and instruction is being delivered in a tech savvy, responsible, and exciting way. He also talks about the six stages of systematic school improvement that will greatly assist school leaders. They are meant to integrate the Pillars of Digital Leadership. Sheninger says that it is imperative that school leaders have a vision to move from vision to action in the area of the digital age and the use of technology and how it will be implemented in their respective school districts. The pillars provide points of reference to improve leadership behaviors, practices, and strategies with the assistance of technology. They will also lay the foundation for rethinking how learning spaces and time are structured in order to provide more personalized experiences for all stakeholders by institutionalized autonomy, mastery and purpose. I could not agree with Sheninger more here when he talks about mastery, purpose and autonomy. We need to as schools rethink the way we do everything in education and start becoming autonomous technology learners ourselves first. It is hard to become a facilitator as a teacher and relinquishing some of the control in the classroom. One of the changes I would make here is to provide an inservice where a couple of teachers actually teach a live lesson in front of the staff to show them and model to them what this process could look like. Thanks for listening!

Allen, K. (2005). Online learning: Constructivism and conversation as
an approach to learning. Innovations in Education and Teaching International, 42(3), 247-256. Retrieved from

Blaydes, J. (2003). The educator's book of quotes. Thousand
Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.

Deulen, A. A. (2013). Social constructivism and online learning environments: toward a
theological model for Christian educators. Christian Education Journal, 10(1),
90+. Retrieved from

Sheninger, E. (2014). Digital leadership: Changing paradigms for changing

times. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press

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